Dunyan Sinners:
They're all blond haired, blue eyed Aryan, 'Master Race' types who
exterminate the weaker amongst themselves. They are all conscienceless
sociopaths who torture and murder their own and all those around them if
it serves their purposes. For them, the ends justify ANY means, they
feel no emotions or empathy, but readily manipulate those who do feel
them to serve their purposes. They're all potential race exterminating
NAZI's who use reason as their justification rather than blind
conviction...which makes their acts even worse in my mind. A men who use
emotion or superstition to dictate their actions can arguably be said
not to be in total control of who they is or what they does...the Dunyan
have no such excuse. Their crimes are theirs and theirs alone. Full,
unmitigated accountability. Therefore, I think they're damned, according
to the rules of this world, all of them.
Got to say, I was disappointed. With Cnair insane and Akka
intermittently gaining and losing his balls, he was the only true rival
to Kellhaus. And fucking A...I was cheering for him. While I find
Kellhus to be an interesting character, I also completely and utterly
loath him. I was cheering for Akka to smack him down a dozen times. One
of my favorite parts of the books is when most of his column decides to
stay with him...that was as big a FUCK YOU to Kellhus as anything else
in the series.
The Nansur Empire were also amongst the most civilized invading hordes
in the series. I remember multiple times when they were the disciplined,
civil types while the rest of the Inrithi went raping and pillaging at
will. One city even bargained to open their gates only if the Empire
became their occupiers. Disappointed that his end came rather
anti-climactically. Though it may have killed some potential sequels, I
would have been completely satisfied to have him run down and destroy
the prophets army...and the prophet....with his men.
Definately the true protagonist of the series and the one we can all
relate too. All around a great character. His lapses between strength
and weakness were frustrating though, since I yearned to see him a
baddass, gnostic flinging mother-fucker throughout. I like his gradual
shift into a modern day Seswatha and VERY interested in what happens
between him and Kellhus in the future.
I disagree on the 'tantrum' remarks about his ending. He was simply
beyond caring. The only thing he gave a damn about at that point was
Esemet. And when she forsook him; what was an out of touch (to him
anyway) order, manipulated slaves, and a betraying, lying puppet-master
to him anyway? He had nothing there. He was on the outside. To pretend
otherwise would be just that. And Kellhus would no doubt see through it
and at some point, would have to take him out. I believe Akka knew that
and perhaps figured he'd take his moment of satisfaction and leave.
I also thought it was incredibly satisfying. Someone has to stand up to
that shit Kellhus. And I honestly thought at that point, he was beyond
rage, beyond love, beyond hate...and could have leveled that place had
anyone attempted to stop him. Sitting beside Kellhus offered him only a
lifetime of pleasing deception. And had he given in, it'd only be too
tempting to succumb to it and forget the truth.
The Whining:
I thought this too got a bit excessive. Throughout the second half of
tWP and first half of TTT. Another described it well, they'd whine
incessently, come to a revelation and grow some balls/backbone...lose
it, whine again incessantly and so on and so forth. At certain points it
did detract from the novel. When it came to Akka and Esmi, I was just
waiting for him to snap (as he nearly did a few times) and call her a
worthless whore, Kellhus a betraying bastard, and just lay into them
instead of always being brought back by Kellhus's manipulations. Much
like my feelings on the elves in LotR, I wanted a main character to grab
their scrawny necks, smack them a round, and let them know just how big
a bastards they are. LotR didn't have that payoff. In the absolute
end...this book did.
I like that. 
The Narrative:
Perhaps essential to maintain the pace....and it was nice not having
1,000,000 characters to follow, but too often I think 3rd person
narratives substituted for first person impressions. While they were
still powerful and as a result of this choice, very fast pace...I don't
think 3rd person can ever be quite as compelling as first hand accounts.
It started about the middle of tWP with the desert scene and continued
throughout. Innumerable names tossed left and right, deaths and
struggles of unprounouncable figures that we never really came to know.
We were able to get a connection with a few of them, but not many. Alot
of them I'd be curious to know more about.
That said, giving them PoV's and full fledged characters no doubt would
have slowed the pace...and likely made it impossible to do this in 3
books. And it did make the pacing and action incredibly intense with
shit happening left and right. So somewhat ambivilant on the choice,
don't think it necessarily wrong, but curious what the other way could
have brought.
The End:
Pulse pounding and intense. Seriously...I forced myself to stay up til
7am finishing this damned thing. The battle for Shimeh, the somewhat
anti-climactic meeting with Daddy, Achamians battle, the sorcerer duels,
all KICK ASS. I'll agree that it felt rushed, hell the pacing was
furious and left me tired. But he definately trimmed all the excess fat
from his last few hundred pages...and it was lean, mean, and brutal. And
given my recent complaints about aFFC, I'd be a tad bit hypocritical to
bash this too much.
And let me restate again...I fucking loved the absolute end. Tantrum or
not, nothing was more satisfying than watching the intermittently weak
willed, but highly sympathetic Akka lay the verbal smackdown on the
all-powerful, and may he be tortured and killed, Kellhus. Besides, with
every other character a sycophantic slave throughout so much of the
book, it was nice for one character to have the audacity to tell him to
go to hell.
He's set up an amazing and compelling world that gets me incredibly
interested in what he'll do with it. Nilmashi (sp), zuem, Attritau, the
barren north, the rest of the Dunyan, Non-men, No-god, Inchorai...I
EAGERLY want to know what he's gonna do with these guys.
Which is why this series pisses me off. Cause yet again...I have to
fucking wait to find out!!