Jul 17 2007, 07.34
Post #1
Officially the 3rd smartest Transformers fan in the world
Board: Westeros
Member No.: 44
Posts: 17,567
Joined: 6 November 2005
Gender: Male
From: Chicago...land
This shit is good. Long story short. Don Murphy (Producers of *Transformers* and has a large contingent of *Transformers* fans posting on his message board) and fellow producer DeSanto were harshly attacked by Michael Bay for a variety of reasons on Bay's Personal Blog. The blog was taken down hours later, but not before it was caught, pasted, and reported elsewhere. The subject is more or less off-limits on the board, fair enough.
Until of course Murphy brings it up himself bashing a journalist (from all accounts, she's probably not terribly deserving of that title) for continuing to post the blog, while fighting to stifle a rather negative magazine expose on herself. (And for telling Murphy that she'd take down the blog if he'd give more juicy details about any backstage Bay v. Producers fights). Fairly scumbag move by the reporter, and I had no real comment on that aspect, only that Murphy also seems to imply that the blog shouldn't be reported because it was taken down shortly after. I disagreed with that point. Here's our little exchange.
Eh...don't see the big deal on Bay's blog. She covers entertainment news. Bay's blog was newsworthy in that industry. Perhaps some copyright issues with printing the 'WHOLE' thing, but running the story itself with excerpts? Don't see the problem.
As for her other stuff, the article seems to credit her for being first on the scene with a number of inside scoops and accurate predictions. That tends to be good. Also a few instances of either misattributing quotes or completely making shit up, that's bad. (Maybe the NYTimes should give her a ring?) She has a harsh, aggressive, and at times belligerant style...readers tend to like that pseudo 'take no prisoners' BS, subjects of such pieces hate it. Ask a million Jay Marrioti clones and Fox News if that shit actually works.
Myself, I don't read her and really have no opinion on her in general.
QUOTE Don Murphy
your reading comprehension style is miserable and Bay TOOK DOWN his blog so she had no reason to run with it except being an ass and all
Bullshit. She writes entertainment news. One major entertainment figure candidly bashing another, on his personal blog no less, is absolutely news. If who's sleeping with who gets printed, no doubt inner-industry squabbles should be too.
If Obama blogged that Gulliani was a raving lunatic that deserved to be shot, the political news reporter doesn't drop the story just because Obama removed and retracted it an hour later. The statement still stands. There are no 'take-backs' when you're a public figure. I'm sure Imus would like to erase a few statements from the public's memory, just like Michael Richards would love to see his tirade wiped off of Youtube. They don't get that luxury. And neither does Bay. Its news (in the entertainment industry anyway), its being reported, nothing else to it.
QUOTE Don Murphy
*This is the *THIRD* time you have really pissed me off.
The good news is I know who you are.
The bad news is I know who you are.*
Now I haven't posted on his board (not counting the last week or so) in the better part of a year, probably two. I hadn't posted regularly in at least two. I've got my opinions of Murphy just from what I've seen from his posting and basic attitude, but I keep them to myself. Its his board after all and he's doing us a favor. So either he's confusing me with someone else (don't know how with the bigass reagan picture icon), or he has an exceptionally damned good memory (a hell of alot better than mine). Because I know I haven't posted anything since the film opened that's likely to directly piss him off. (Some Bay bashing, but always constructive bashing, and that's not unusual there) Nor has he responded to anything I've written in the last week+. I can't think of anything I might have said 2-3 years ago that would piss him off.
But whatever it was. Percieved slight (he's good at finding those) or real, apparently he remembers. He knows me. And thinks enough of it to post a thinly veiled threat at random internet guy. I don't know who he thinks I am. The closest I've been to Hollywood is the local Cinema. But in either case, I have now had the honor of being threatened by a 'Big Time' (probably overstating things) Hollywood Producer. Anyone else had that priviledge?
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