QUOTE (Benjen Stark @ Aug 13 2008, 00.19) 
Even other events where the US is medalling (we took gold, silver, and
bronze in women's saber fencing) don't get shown, but at least show the
competition for 3rd in the women's gymnastics while you are sitting
around waiting for scores anyway, as a for instance.
Huh? You sure. I actually watched all of those I think. NBC itself is
putting on the high profile shit, but the other channels (MSNBC, USA,
CNBC, and Oxygen which alternate between the Olympics and their normal
programming) have been showing alot of other stuff. Caught
Russia/Lithuania Basketball this morning. Several boxing matches.
Honestly, I'm pretty pleased with most of the coverage. It seems like
all hours of the day at least 2 of those channels are showing something
on the olympics, not all of it your standard popular fare. And often its
more like 3-4 of the channels. The biggest profile events seem to be
US/China centric I'll admit, but to be completely honest...I haven't
been watching them as much. I like flipping back and forth curious to
see what new random sport might be on, no matter what country is in it
and I've definitely found some interesting finds.
Plus with all the channels running the Olympics I can skip every sob
story about hard childhoods that inevitably pop up to humanize these
athletes. Its a godsend. MSNBC starts playing sad music, BOOM, I flip to
CNBC and catch women's beach volleyball.
And I've got to say, this is the most interested I've ever been in the
Olympics since 1988. In 1988 I had an immense crush on a female American
diver whose name I sadly still recall but i won't say, so that kept me
interested. This year has Phelps playing the lovechild of Superman and
Jesus and every time he dips his toe into the water I get a dozen text
messages telling me to turn my TV on.
But you know what's really doing it? The politics. Fuck the torch run,
Tibet, Darfur and China's usually tank running over kids antics. Its
just baffling the lengths they'll go to to ensure this ultimate
propaganda event goes off without a hitch. Fat girls shoved in the
closet while pretty girls sing. CGI'd fireworks from the country that
fricken invented the things. 8 year old gymnists passed off as 16 year
olds. Cats killed through Beijing to remove a nuisance. Homeless and
beggars mass transported to the country for a few weeks. Dissidents
under 'friendly' police supervision. All of these things that to a
normal (ie: Western) person might seem a little bit or alot bit
abhorrent, done eagerly and enthusiastically to make sure that noone
gets the 'wrong impression' on their visit to China. The Orwellian
lengths they'll go to for good PR. Who are these people? What is this
country? Do they live on the same planet?
This along with the usual 'China is the next evil empire!' shit are what
makes this Olympics compelling. Think back to the Olympics of old...what
was best part? Sports you never see, sure. Amazing athleticism on
display. Always. Winning...goes without saying. But what was the best part?
Watching that fucking medal count and hoping to god America beat the
shit out of the Soviet Union. Seeing how we fared against the rest of
the Iron Curtain. Cheering Rocky 4 style as our hard working, unpaid
amateurs faced down the evil Soviet Professionals in everything but name
coldly produced from their sterile, high tech, government financed
athlete factories. (who the fuck knows or cares if it was true, when I
was 8 in 88, I believed that shit. This was Balboa v. Drago in every event)
80 and 84 sucked (not that I remember) cause one of the great empires
wasn't there. '88 was the last great clash of the titans. And now we've
got it again. America, freedom and apple pie against the evil 2 trillion
man behemoth evil empire. That is what makes the Olympics work.
Olympics minus politics BLOWS.