Dream worlds in fantasy novels
QUOTE (superkick @ Feb 9 2009, 18.50) 
I dont know, the dream world in robert jordans wheell of time
"Tel'Aran'Rhoid" is pretty badass. But then again people can get killed
there, time flows differently, its basically a more dnagerous reflection
of the actual world...which makes it much cooler.
Like many things in jordan's world, it was cool (or kinda cool) at the
start. Like all things in Jordan's world, its grown very tired and
played out (or was simply never used to its full potential). I swear
that fucker must have never had an orgasm in his life. His entire series
past book 4-5 or so (some say 6, but even with high points, that novel
was bloated) was all about pleasure denial. Keeping us away from the
characters we actually gave a shit about, avoiding the storylines that
we were actually interested in outside of the very occasional brief
glimpse here and there. Want to see more of the Black Tower? Fuck that.
Have a thousand more nameless, redundant AesSeanWiseKnittingFolk
bitching and bickering to eachother about nothing. Thought the annoying
Shaido Aiel were done with? Fuck that, we're gonna drag that pointless
storyline out for 3 more books because I don't have the rest of the
pieces in the proper place yet to actually advance the overall plot
towards the inevitable.
QUOTE (Datepalm @ Feb 9 2009, 16.45) 
I haven't read that, but I hate dream worlds, dream sequences, mystical
visions, drug induced hallucinations, fevered imaginings, etc, etc, blah.
I suppose these things are supposed to be evocative or surreal or
something, but usually they're just flat out boring and a way for the
author to slather on themes or foreshadowings s/he isn't managing to
actujally get to appear in the story.
The only ones I forgive are ASOIAF's, becuase they usually do have
fairly cool imagery (Though i'm still not immensely fond of them) and
the only i've ever like was Dany in the House of the Undying, which
wasn't a dream and was completely awesome.
More or less my thoughts on it. I treat it like the songs in LotR,
something to skip over. I always worry about missing something
important, but I just can't be asked to bother. If the sequence lasts no
longer than a paragraph, fine. But when I see 2 to 3 pages of italicized
'dreaming' coming up I absolutely dread it.